Alta ended 2014 on a high note! A series of storms dropped 81″ of successively lighter snow, leaving us with some epic (and I don’t use this term lightly) powder skiing. The storms lifted and we are now in a period of high pressure, but there is still great snow out there and with cold temps the skiing is still fantastic.
I won’t be to wordy with this post. ย I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy!
Where’s my car?
Dropping knees at sunset [Photo: joey Campanelli, Skier: Arron Dindorf]
Cold Smoke [Photo: joey Campanelli, Skier: Sam Feltch]Midstorm riding conditions were as deep as they get. [Photo: Josh Whitney, Skier: Aaron Rice]Clear and deep after the storm [Photo: Joey Campanelli, Skier: Aaron Rice]So good! [photo: Joey Campanelli, skier: Aaron RIce]Fun in the sun [Photo: Joey Campanelli. Skier: Aaron Rice]Bluebird Wasatch powder skiing the way it should be. [photo: Aaron Rice, Skier: Joey Campanelli]Fluffy. [Photo: Aaron Rice, Skier: Josh Whitney]Pouder [Photo: Aaron Rice, Skier: Josh Whitney]Seriously dude, where’s my car?
It looks to be high and dry for the foreseeable future. We may have a couple small disturbances cloud things up and drop a few flakes this weekend, but over all it will be seasonally cold and clear.
Disclaimer: The author of this post received compensation from Alta Ski Area for writing it. However, the content is solely determined by the author.ย
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