2013/14 Squaw Valley Highlight Video: “You Won’t…” Once upon a time there was a great valley located on the westerly edge of Pangea. The valley was known as Squaw by the residing dinosaurs. The winters would bring great snow to the mountains and fed a majestic lake of over 1000 feet in depth. I would like to give a little history of Squaw Valley for those who have yet to visit this majestic land. The dinos feasted on much of the lush vegetation and trees of Squaw Valley. Trees were also used for shelter during the harsh winter months. The dinos were very good at clear-cutting certain areas of the mountain and were always mindful of future generations. Unknowingly, the dinos were […] Kyle Cota | November 16, 2014 7 Comments
Squaw Valley | The Final Fraiche Down Squaw Valley went out with a bang this season, as a late winter storm slammed the Sierra. The skiing quickly went from springtime park laps to Granite storm skiing to a classic bluebird Squaw huckfest. I even heard a rumor that someone poached the Chimney! Wish I had some footage of that. (Oh wait…..) This video features the skiing talents of Aaron Fox, myself, and First Chair Andy. Thankful for another fun year at my favorite place in the world! […] Conditions Report Kyle Cota | May 3, 2014 2 Comments
VIDEO: Chimney Session @ Squaw Valley in April A big thanks to Squaw Valley ski patrol for keeping it real! It was fun to be back in the Palisades and not having to ski National. The Chimney even opened for a select few skiers and was immediately closed after, the way it should be. I’m sure it was fun for them as well to witness some amazing crashes. I had a blast skiing around with old friends and new friends alike and was really impressed by some of the skiing by young whippersnappers like […] Kyle Cota | April 14, 2014 6 Comments
No Drought About It Ahoy y’all! Here is some POV footage from the first week in March at Squaw Valley USA!ย The only miracle that happened is me still having a working pair of skis going into mid-march. With C-2, Granite Peak, and Mainline Pocket getting blasted with snow at the end of February good times were to be had. I skied around a bunch […] Kyle Cota | March 17, 2014 6 Comments
Hard Charging Sketchy Lines @ Squaw Valley Ahoy! If you are expecting to see blower pow shots or big couloir lines then you should probably look at a conditions report from Jackson Hole. Even the best editing software can only do so much. If you want to see sketchy lines over rocks with firm landings or old people skiing park then you are in luck! I have had a great time skiing around Squaw the past few days with Mainline Pocket to the terrain park being my favorite combo. Granite Chief still holds some good turns as well. […] Conditions Report Kyle Cota | February 24, 2014 3 Comments