VIDEO: Yellowstone Rangers Searching for ‘Reckless’ Tourist Illegally Taunting Bison

SnowBrains |

Rangers at Yellowstone National Park are investigating an incident caught on video showing a man foolishly taunting a growling bison that held up traffic in the Hayden Valley area of the iconic national park.

“The individual’s behavior in this video is reckless, dangerous, and illegal,” park superintendent Dan Wenk told BNQT in an email. “We need people to be stewards of Yellowstone, and one way to do that is to keep your distance from wildlife.”

Yellowstone, bison, video
Credit: Lindsey Jones

Visitors are required to remain at least 25 yards from animals like bison and elk, and 100 yards from bears and wolves, according to park regulations. These distances safeguard both visitors and the remarkable experience of sharing a landscape with thousands of freely roaming animals, the park says.

“People who ignore these rules are risking their lives and threatening the park experience for everyone else,” Wenk told BNQT.

Video of the incident was captured by Lindsey Jones of Elko, Nev., Tuesday evening and it shows the man seemingly challenging the bison to approach him. When it does he scampers away.

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