Connery, powerhouse chute. image: snowbrainsAndy dropping into Solstice CouloirThese large spiders prowl the high elevation snow and eat bugs who have gotten caught in the wind and deposited on the snowfields. image: snowbrainsMiles and Mono Lake. image: Connery LundinConnery and Mono Lake. image: snowbrainsMiles at the top of Solstice Couloir on Mt. Dana. image: Connery LundinAndy and a Dana Lake. image: snowbrainsMiles and Andy on the way up Dana. image: Connery LundinConnery bushwhack. image: snowbrainsTiny flowers everywhere on the Dana Plateau. image: snowbrainsAndy and a Dana Lake. image: snowbrainsSo many tiny little flowers today. image: snowbrainsConnery and Solstice Couloir. image: snowbrainsMiles and Andy on the way up Dana. image: Connery LundinThe three chutes of the week left to right: Dana Couloir (we hit last week), Solstice (today), Unknown (will hit on Wednesday). image: snowbrainsConnery and Andy just about to hit the car.Connery in the talus. image: snowbrainsConnery, burrito, torta, Salsa’s, Mammoth Lakes, Apres Ski. image: snowbrainsConnery bushwhack. image: snowbrainsTiny flowers everywhere on the Dana Plateau. image: snowbrainsConnery spraying the spray down low. image: snowbrainsMiles and Andy on the way up Dana. image: Connery LundinAndy and Connery and Solstice Couloir. image: snowbrains