Friday Fun: “SLOPESTYLE the movie” | Starring USA’s Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medalists

SnowBrains |

The USA swept the medals in the Olympic Ski Slopestyleย in Sochi, Russia last month.ย  ย won Gold, Gus Kenworthy won Silver, andย Nick Geopper won Bronze. ย These guys were famous in the ski industry before, but not these guys are “nationwide” and loving it. ย They recently made an appearance on VH1 in a funny mini flick about them being ski hunks.

This video likely caps off the weirdness of their national fame until the next Olympics.

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2 thoughts on “Friday Fun: “SLOPESTYLE the movie” | Starring USA’s Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medalists

  1. I think the results you guys are referring to were from the slope style event not half pipeโ€ฆ.

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