Gnarly Digits – A Ski Patroller’s Feet…

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Gnarly Digits – A Ski Patroller’s Feet

(editor’s note:  this article was written by D’Arcy McLeish for Last Frontier Heliskiing)

It’s 4:20am.  An ungodly hour and we are still in bed, counting the seconds before that awful alarm of his goes off. It’s tough to sleep this time of year. We usually get a few hours in before even the mild pressure of the blankets brings stabs of pain to our little extremities. But soon it will be time to get up. After that there will be an hour or so of bliss before he rams us into those plastic prisons he wears for work every day. Until then, hopefully we’ll be put into some comfy sandals or softer shoes with those big thick socks of his. Not perfect, but better than what we’ll be spending the day in.

Don't be fooled. Underneath even Ms. Mancuso's Boots lie a pair of gnarled little oak trees - ski racer feet.  Photo - Lange Boots

Don’t be fooled. Underneath even Ms. Mancuso’s Boots lie a pair of gnarled little oak trees – ski racer feet.
Photo – Lange Boots

We’re feet, you see; the left and right feet of our human host, who unfortunately decided that making a career as a ski patroller was a good idea. Good for him, bad for us…especially at this time of year. Spring is brutal for a ski foot. Long days, severe temperature swings, and free flowing water and sweat make for endless misery. But we digress. Right now, we’re still enjoying the bliss of being in bed. BEEP BEEP BEEP. My god that alarm is LOUD! Is that really necessary, you ignorant idiot? Can’t you see your feet are already awake and thinking of ways to avoid the coming day? At least it’s Friday so we’ll have three days off soon, and that will be a welcome rest.

Read the Full Article here:

Gnarly Digits – A Ski Patroller’s Feet

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