Grizzly Bear Kills & Eats Hiker in Yellowstone National Park

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A Yellowstone National Park Grizzly Bear.  photo:  national park service
A Yellowstone National Park Grizzly Bear. photo: national park service

A hiker was killed by a Grizzly Bear in Yellowstone National Park on Friday, according to a National Park Service investigation.  His body was found near the Elephant Black Loop Trail near Lake Village on Friday afternoon.

“Based on partial tracks found at the scene, it appears that an adult female grizzly and at least one cub-of-the-year were present and likely involved in the incident.” the National Park Service said in a statement

The exact cause of death is yet to be determined, but investigators are reporting defensive wounds on the dead man’s arms.

The National Park Service has stated that the man’s body had been “partially consumed”.

The deceased man is reported to have been an experienced hiker who worked urgent-care clinics in the park.  A park ranger found his body in an off-trail region that the deceased man was known to frequent.

“All of Yellowstone National Park is considered bear country,” it said. “Hikers are advised to stay on designated trails, travel in groups of three or more people, carry bear spray, be alert for bears, and make noise to help avoid surprise encounters.” – the National Park Service said in a statement

Bear traps were set on Friday night in the area the attack occurred.  Bears who are caught and identified as human attackers are killed.

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