Why You Should Ski Like a Beginner

Mota Bota | Post Tag for LaughsLaughs
ski beginner
Ski like nobody’s watching…

When is the last time you skied like a beginner?

Next time you’re on the slopes ascending smugly in your black diamond chair, check out the beginners below – those folks are having fun!  Their weight is all wrong, their hands are back, their knees are straight, and their poles flail about, as they thoroughly enjoy themselves.

Give it a try, forget everything you’ve learned.  Ski over to that intermediate slope, get in the upright snowplow position, straighten those knees, get those hands back, then lean back into the mountain and Let Her Go!

The first thing you’ll notice is the buffeting breeze.  In the straightened position, you’re like a sail.  You’ll torment the air as it tries to lift you off the slope.

funny skier
Wipe out!

You’re out of control.  Because your weight is back, you’ll have much less control; which will heighten your sense of mortality, especially when that ski diverts to the left – whoa! Yet you somehow recover – whew!

You can flail your arms!  When’s the last time you flailed your arms?  Remember, you’re a beginner, it’s ok to flail.  Flail away!

And those beginners yell a lot. They’re always yelling stuff like: “MEET ME AT THE TOP!” or “DUDE, DID YOU SEE MY WIPE-OUT?”, while we ski demur and speak in hushed tones?  Yelling is FUN!  Try it, you’ll like it.

Yelling is fun
Yelling is fun

Lastly, people avoid beginners like the plague, so you always have an open lane!  Conversely, the more advanced skiers will offer you tips, which is a great chance to meet that special someone.  No one is afraid to talk to a beginner, and we all want to help.

So beginners are getting buffeted, thrilled, yelling a lot, and finding romance!

What’s not to like?

– Mota Bota

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3 thoughts on “Why You Should Ski Like a Beginner

  1. Well said
    I skied like a true beginner this past season as I had my xc skate set up often with me and would hit the groomed resort at that Racial slurrrr ski resort near north lake tahoe.
    So one day after breaking out dome old tele gear, (yeah I used to tele a bit too) I decided one day to put skate skis on and jump on the beginner lift near the groomed meadow trails.
    Holy crap batman!!! Just unloading the ramp on the skinniest skis ever was the most scary and challenging experience I had in decades….
    And so yes instantly humbling and gave me a greater appreciation for what we take so much for granted.
    And much better appreciation for those beginners who are quite out of their comfort zone and struggle sometimes to get on and off a lift.
    I now have a greater awareness of how those less skilled are so much more challenged as well.
    Remember the one who is having the most fun is truly winning, not based on skill level at all.

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