What do you do when your ski resort closes for the season? ย You go to Mammoth, that’s what you do.
Mammoth always stays open until the end of May and many years they stay open until the 4th of July. ย On big years they stay open into August.

How can they stay open so late in the year? ย Because Mammoth gets a lot of snow and the mountain is high. ย 11,060 feet, to be exact.
Mammoth puts a lot of energy into keeping things well groomed and salted in the spring and summertime. ย Their terrain parks are second to none and the terrain is simply made for long bump runs, groomer runs, and off-piste.

Today was a classic spring skiing day at Mammoth. ย We started at 8:30am on firm groomers off the summit. ย 40mph east winds were ripping up the face of the mountain giving you the feeling of going very fast as you cruised down.

As things softened we ventured into the bumps/off-piste in the Chair 23 zone. ย This was our favorite zone of the day. ย We heard some people bickering on the chair about how Chair 23 wasn’t spinning, but all it took was a straight-line and a short duck walk from the top of the Gondola and you were there. We actually preferred the chair being closed because we had the best snow on the mountain to ourselves all day! ย Climax also had great bumps and snow under the Gondola once things softened up a bit around 11am.
The park softened and got going around 11am and the usual suspects were out in force and throwing down. ย There were two big jumps and it was a showdown. ย The boys here aren’t afraid to get some air in between themselves and the ground.
After noon, you could ski anywhere. ย Dave’s was good, 23 was great, Climax was fun, the groomers were fast, and skiing from the top of Mammoth, 3,000 feet down to the bottom felt invigorating. ย Not many places have that kind of vertical, especially in late April, damn near May.
“Props to our homeboy Ullr, who dumped some snow on us over the weekend and gave us two legit powder days (photo evidence at the end of this post). The last storm system has kept Mammoth skiing and riding very nicely all week long.” – James Yim
Brochure skiing under the gondy on Climax
Left to right: Minarets, Mt. Ritter, Mt. Banner
Miles, I can’t believe you’re a pro. I’m so much better than you