Ski Instructor Salaries Around the World | How Does the USA Compare?

Taliana Potts | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
instructors, ski school

The amount of money a ski instructor makes all depends on location, tips, and level of certification of the instructor. Most instructors work at ski resorts because of their love for skiing and riding, not to mention the free ski pass that comes along with the job. Ski instructing is not the best way to become a millionaire, but it is a great profession that allows someone to do what they love.

The salary of a ski instructor is not a topic that is often discussed, but luckily has provided some answers when it comes to the question of how much ski instructors make. The site has broken down the salary of ski instructors in several countries by listing the average hourly pay for Level 1 and Level 2 instructors. Certification levels vary from country to country and are qualified by similar associations such as BASI, PSIA, and NZSIA.

graph, instructor wages, L1, L2

France is among the highest paying countries, but the requirement for becoming an instructor in France is more difficult than almost any other country.  An instructor can only work at a certified ski school in France if they pass their BASI Level 2 and complete the Test Technique, which is a timed slalom. After completing these requirements, an instructor has a four-year window to complete their BASI Level 4, which allows them to become an independent instructor in France.

Chile is another country requiring a higher certification level. A Level 3 qualification is normally required, and instructors must be able to speak Spanish.

Instructor wages seem to vary the most in the United States. The average base pay is $15 for a Level 1 instructor and $20 dollars for a Level 2 instructor. However, different regions of the U.S. and different ski resort companies determine the average pay for an instructor. Aspen Ski Company recently increased the instructor pay rate and raised the minimum wage for every employee at the resort. Instructors at Aspen make $23 as a Level 1 and $28 as a Level 2. The company’s minimum wage is set at $15 per hour.

instructor, aspen extreme, TJ Burke

North American tipping culture should also be considered when looking at instructor wages for the U.S. and Canada. Tips are not always consistent, but they do add to the income. Private lessons may also allow for an increased hourly wage and often end with a large tip.

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