Full-On Patch Skiing in Lake Tahoe | August 2nd Photo Tour:

Matt Bansak | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report

Bootpacking up the snow may have been a better idea than the scree.

This post is for everyone who is wondering if there’s still snow in Tahoe, and the answer is yes. Before we started the hike, we placed bets on how many people would ask us “you’re not actually skiing are you?” The final tally was 25. Katy Hover-Smoot and I headed to Round Top today in hopes of finding some decent patch skiing. It’s my go-to summer ski destination for its easy approach and awesome scenery, but the patches are certainly looking a bit smaller than usual for this time of year. But, we had a good spot in mind, and it worked out quite well. The snow was pretty smooth and corned up decently!

Katy on the approach
Katy on the approach
Winnemucca Lake
Winnemucca Lake
The mule ears are going off.
The mule ears are going off.
The flowers are going off too.
The flowers are going off too, benefiting from all the recent rain
The patches are usually bigger at this time of year.
The patches are usually bigger at this time of year.
First view of the patch
First view of the patch
Katy making it count
Katy making it count
Katy getting abducted by aliens
Katy getting abducted by aliens
The author
The author
Katy didn't think this patch was worth it. I, however, got my money's worth.
Katy didn’t think this patch was worth it. I, however, got my money’s worth.
Obligatory yoga shot.
Obligatory yoga shot.
Nothing like walking on the beach with your skis on.
Nothing like walking on the beach with your skis on.


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15 thoughts on “Full-On Patch Skiing in Lake Tahoe | August 2nd Photo Tour:

  1. Rock skiis not needed. We did clean up some loose rocks on Wednesday, so should have still been pretty clean.

  2. That patch you say you got your moneys worth, I saw a few patches in Desolation this weekend like that. I sarcastically said to my brother that he should go ride it on his board and post it to snow brains because you guys are always skiing those small summer patches. Thanks for reading my mind and the good laugh.

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