Stay at Home Order Lifted for Greater Sacramento Region | What That Means for Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, CA

SnowBrains |
stay at home, Squaw Valley,
Squaw Valley, CA

California Governor Gavin Newsom announced Tuesday that the stay at home order restricting the Greater Sacramento Region of California would be lifted, ending a month-long shutdown.

The Sacramento and Northern California regions are the only areas where restrictions are lifted, meaning more than 90% of California’s residents, over 36 million people, remain under the stay at home order. The 13 counties (Alpine, Amador, Butte, Colusa, El Dorado, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, Sierra, Sutter, Yolo, and Yuba) of the Greater Sacramento Region will revert to California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy tiered system. Every county, except Sierra County, falls under Tier 1 restrictions. But the lifting of the stay-at-home order will allow many businesses to reopen.

California has had 2,781,039 confirmed covid-19 cases and 31,102 deaths with covid.

The announcement is great news for ski areas in the region, including Placer County’s Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows. The resort issued updated guidelines yesterday for what will now be allowed under the reduced restrictions.

UPDATE: California has lifted the Regional Stay Home Order for the Greater Sacramento region. Placer County remains in the Purple Tier with a “Widespread” risk level under California’s Blueprint for a Safer Economy framework. In accordance with state and county guidance, this is what it means for Squaw Alpine:

  • The Village at Squaw Valley Lodging is accepting reservations for leisure stays beginning January 13, 2021.
  • Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows continues to operate skiing and snowboarding for pass holders and advance-purchase ticket holders. Please see our website or app for ticket availability.
  • Food and beverage offerings across the resort will remain outdoor only. Food will no longer be required to be served packaged to-go, and outdoor table service may resume at restaurants. No indoor seating is available. Meal packages and outdoor ordering/pickup are available as well.
  • Retail stores will operate at 25% capacity.
  • Lodges will be open with access to restrooms, lockers, rentals, and guest services only. Guests will not be permitted to linger indoors.
  • Masks and social distancing continue to be required and enforced throughout the resort.

At this time, there are no changes to existing reservations for lift tickets, ski school, rental/demo, etc.

We are sincerely grateful to our guests for remaining flexible with us throughout this unique season!

Visit our Winter Experience page for more information about our operations and policies during COVID-19:

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2 thoughts on “Stay at Home Order Lifted for Greater Sacramento Region | What That Means for Squaw Valley Alpine Meadows, CA

  1. So slow to post such
    And what happened to the 23” that yall forecasted for snow a few weeks ago?
    Must all be true if you read it on s-No-brains eh?

    1. Ease up a little , this is a ski blog not CNN or Fox News. Lower your expectations. Also most these people posting these articles have “jobs” , this isn’t there primary source of income or getting paid at all.

      Also they don’t create the weather forecast … it’s plugged from NWS outta Reno. So blame them, or no one considering it’s the weather after all….

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