Surfing Alaska by Boat

SwellBrains | | Post Tag for SurfSurf

words & video by JGS Concepts

Imagine cruising into a breathtaking fiord, snow capped mountains and hanging glaciers on three sides, you’ve never been here before, and from the looks of things, nobody else has either. The sea lions

hauled out on the rocks look at you with bewilderment, obviously surprised to see a human. From the charts it looked like there might be potential for a wave on the East side of the fiord and based on the swell and offshore breeze you are excited to prove your suspicion right.

Surfing Alaska
Surfing Alaska

This kind of experience is status quo for our boat based surf missions.  We explore Alaska’s endless miles of wild coastline seldom even seeing other boats.  Sometimes we discover incredible waves, and sometimes we just have to settle with unbelievable scenery, incredible wildlife, and great food.

After several years in the making we are excited to be able to share this once in a lifetime experience with you.  Boat based surf explorations in the last frontier with Ocean Swell Ventures.


surfing AK
surfing AK

This 4 day jaunt into the Gulf of Alaska to visit a few of our favorite waves was much appreciated when it suddenly arrived.  It was a trip so last minute that we couldn’t even get our best surfing buddies to join us.


Read more about surfing in Alaska:

Film | Edit by:

Music by:

Brick + Morter- Move to the Ocean (Baauer Remix)

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