California To Build Wildlife Bridge To Save Mountain Lions These days, endangerment and extinction is the reality for many animals worldwide. In that category, falls mountain lions. Mountain lions (otherwise known as cougars) in California are facing the threat of extinction as a result of inbreeding. Inbreeding is the breeding between related animals. Over time this can be harmful for a species which leads to endangerment. To solve this […] Climbing Breya Bergom | July 12, 2021 7 Comments
Watch Out For Icy Bridges… The temperature is dropping and snow is falling. Winter is finally here and with that comes slippery roads and slower travel. We all know to take extra caution while driving during wintry conditions. However, what most people are not aware of are the dangers of bridges. Related: Brain Post: Itโs Time to Get Your Car Prepared for Winter Weather Bridges […] Brains Emily Crofton | November 15, 2019 0 Comments
VIDEO: Moron Thinks it’s a Good Idea to Jump from Bridge onto Boat Canopy Thereโs a boat there #prematurepat #yeagonow #clear #nope #whydokidssucksomuchthesedays #nerdneedsanewcalculator #hardtoseefromuphere #shivermetimbers #boardingshipmatey #blimey #walktheplank #arrggh #scuttle #heaveho #blowthemandown #feedthescallywagtothesharks #battondownthehatches #harveyslowdown #theoldsarah #ivealwaysbeenafasthealer #yeeww #nailedit #supportyourlocalkook #kaptainkook #wereallkooksinourownway #kookoftheday #dependingonthedayyouorme #klassickook #kooksrus #kookland @candacemckinney👀 . Submit the kooks you encounter to the link in bio📲 🚨Do not reenact or do what these dumb assโ do at home or ever🚨 […] SnowBrains | July 28, 2018 0 Comments