Brain Post: Why Do Humans Have No Fur? There are a lot of theories about why humans don’t have any fur.  We’ve narrowed it down to the 3 leading theories for you. Of the 5,000+ mammal species on Earth, very few are naked.  We are one of them.  The basic reason we have no fur is that it must have been an evolutionary advantage: “All [no fur theories] […] Brains SnowBrains | August 2, 2019 13 Comments
Brain Post: 5 Things on Your Body You’ll Never Use It’s bizarre to think that the human body is full of vestigial organs and features that we don’t use anymore.  Modern humans are a living snapshot of evolution in motion.  We are so on the cusp of some evolutionary features like wisdom teeth, that some people don’t have them anymore and some do.  Learn about a few other interesting vestigial […] Brains Miles Clark | April 9, 2013 3 Comments