Avalanche Nearly Carries Couple in Car Over Steep Embankment on the Kootenay Pass, BC A Rossland couple were caught in an avalanche on the Kootenay Pass, BC Sunday afternoon, all within a half hour of the highway being re-opened reportedย Trail Times. Brian Zanussi, his wife, and the family dog were on their way back from Kimberley when they were stuck in a huge back up of traffic on the Creston-side while the ministry carried […] Avalanche AvyBrains | April 20, 2018 0 Comments
Avalanche Death in Nelson, B.C. A 27-year-old male skier lost his life in an avalanche on Kootenay Pass near Nelson, B.C. this past Sunday. The avalanche victim was skiing with 3 partners when the avalanche struck. A 27-year-old woman was also caught in the slide and badly injured. Neither person caught in the slide was fully buried but both received trauma due to hitting trees while descending in the avalanche. […] Avalanche SnowBrains | February 26, 2014 0 Comments