Mt. Shasta, CA Conditions Report: May 27th, 2015 Climbing season on Mt. Shasta just went into high gear. With a festive holiday and near perfect snow and weather, mountaineers who made the journey to Northern California were rewarded with Mt. Shasta in ideal late spring conditions. The mountain reveived new snow last week and with an improving weather window, the conditions in the alpine zone were beautiful. A reliable boot pack facilitated the climbing and the refreshed snow surface made for epic glissading and skiing on all aspects. […] Guest Author | May 28, 2015 2 Comments
Mt. Shasta, CA Conditions Report: 4-6″ New Snow At our climb debrief Sunday afternoon, the guides came off the mountain raving about the great conditions on Mt. Shasta. You know it must be good when they reach the summit on Sunday and turn around early Monday morning to head right back up on their day off. The recent weather pattern has been a fairly “normal” spring. At any moment it could be snowing, sunny, windy, hot, cold, or complete whiteout. It changes frequently and when the sunny card turns up it can be magnificent This is what we experienced this past weekend. At 3:00am Sunday morning, the snow and wind howled and our climb teams forged […] Conditions Report Guest Author | May 21, 2015 1 Comment