Ready The Winter Sacrifice! | The God of Winter is Not Ullr; It’s Skadi Winter sacrifice? You’re doing it wrong. There is a reason that Wikipedia isn’t an accepted source for academia, it is very capable of being wrong. There are 4 main available works and many interpretive Norse guides based on those works. Those works include The Poetic Edda (10th – 13th century), The Prose Edda recorded by Snorri Sturluson (approx. 1220), The Chronicle of the Kings of Norway by Snorri Sturluson (approx. 1230) and Saxo Grammaticus’s The History of the Danes […] Guest Author | October 7, 2021 8 Comments
Dumping Snow in Patagonia Today | Photo Tour: It snowed like crazy today at Catedral ski resort in Bariloche, Argentina for the third time since Tuesday. Snowing inches per hour for the third time since Tuesday. I couldn’t help but laugh and smile today as I rode the Nubes chair. It was a Saturday on the last weekend of the season, it was nuking snow, it was a powder day, and no one was out. The last Saturday of year is generally reserved for slushy skiing, sunburns, talking to girls, and seeing if you can have one drink at each refugio on the mountain (good luck, there’s 12…). This season, spring was completely hijacked by heavy snows. […] Conditions Report Miles Clark | September 27, 2014 0 Comments