Have $105 Million? Buy a Colorado 14er!

Jake Rubnitz | Post Tag for ClimbingClimbing
Culebra Peak 14,053โ€ฒ (Photo: Cielo Vista Ranch)

Coloradoโ€™s southernmost 14er, Culebra Peak, has just hit the market for a hefty price. The peak is the highest privately owned peak in the world and is now up for sale as part of the Cielo Vista Ranch. The ranch is an incredible property that includes 83,368 acres and deeded ownership to eighteen 13,000โ€ฒ peaks and one 14er spread over 23 miles of ridgeline. Additionally, 80% of the ranch is covered by forest and it is home to Elk, Bighorn Sheep, Bears, Fish and more.

โ€œResplendent with its beautiful forest canopy, miles of creeks, imposing peaks and ridgelines, meadows and aspen groves, it is impossible to fully convey the grandeur of this property. Cielo Vista Ranch is aptly named, translated from the Spanish as View of Heaven.โ€โ€“ Mirr Ranch Group
Elk at Cielo Vista Ranch (photo: Mirr Ranch Group)
With the purchase of the ranch, the new owners will also gain control of the ranchโ€™s commercial enterprises. Currently, to climb Culebra peak hikers have to purchase a $150 permit from the owners, and are restricted to only Fridays and Saturdays from late June to August. The Colorado Fourteeners Initiative estimates that fewer than 1,000 people attempt to climb Culebra each year. It is ranked as a class 2 (out of 5) hike, and the Northwest ridge route has no established trail making it a little more adventurous. The ranch also sells commercial fishing and hunting trips on the property. Under new ownership, all of this access could be subject to change.
Cielo Vista Ranch (Photo: Mirr Ranch Group)
What does the future of the Cielo Vista Ranch and Culebra peak look like? We might see more access to hiking, better trails, ski tours; the possibilities are endless with such a large amount of private property. On the other hand, access to the ranch could be cut off completely. It is not out of the question that the next owners would want to keep the land as a private getaway for themselves. Whatever the case, we hope that the new owners take environmental stewardship and preservation seriously.

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