Mt. Bachelor, OR Opens 4 Days Early Tomorrow!

Jack Lafeman | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
Mt. Bachelor, OR.
Mt. Bachelor, OR.

Mt. Bachelors ski season will kick off 4-days earlier than originally planned. Mt. Bachelor is opening on Saturday November 21st, 2015.

This was just announced without any warning this afternoon. They will be running the Sunshine Accelerator Lift until further notice, with a pre-Thanksgiving terrain park. Lift tickets are $35.00 for adults, and $25.00 for youth, teens, and seniors. If you have a season pass, it is free.

Sunshine Chair. Photo: Mt. Bachelor
Sunshine Chair. Photo: Mt. Bachelor

They also said that they will continue preparations to get additional terrain open, but they will need some more snow to make that happen.

โ€œFor those interested in putting on their skis or snowboard and sliding down a groomed slope after riding a chairlift, Mt. Bachelor will open Saturday morning at 9:00. Operations will be limited to Sunshine Accelerator and Snowblast Tubing Park.โ€- Mt. Bachelor

The snow is forecasted to return to Mt. Bachelor on Monday night along with some very cold temperatures. Hopefully they can get some natural snow, make some snow, and get more terrain open next week.

It is also worth mentioning that Timberline Lodge and Mt. Hood Meadows are also opening on Saturday November 21st. It is very unusual for Mt. Bachelor to open at the same time as Timberline Lodge. Ski season officially kicks off in Oregon this winter.

Out of the last six strong El Nino winters at Mt. Bachelor, on 2 of them they received above average snowfall, on 2 of them average snowfall, and on 2 of them below average snowfall. Every winter is different.

Get stoked for winter! Photo from the Oregon Backcountry...last Monday!
Get stoked for winter! Photo from the Oregon Backcountryโ€ฆlast Monday!

See you on the slopes!

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