Squaw Valley Conditions Report: Steep and Deep

Bevan Waite | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report
KT line
4th chair!

Squaw Valley was absolutely unreal today.  The storm everyoneโ€™s been talking about hit yesterday in full force and started out quite warm.  It was raining everywhere, but slowly throughout the day the rain turned to snow and at about 7pm, it started to accumulate.

snow on railing

I went to bed dreaming of face shots and when I woke, my dreams were more true than ever.  when dawn broke, 10-12 inches of snow was piled on my railing.  I hastily made breakfast, threw on my gear and ran out the door towards the lifts.

fingersโ€ฆ yikes
tram face while in line

At first, it was looking a bit grimmer than it initially seemed.  the clouds broke for a minute and revealed a rugged looking snow surface littered with rocks and bushes poking up from the snow.

Dude about to send out of box chute

The fingers looks terrible to say the least, though with another 4 feet of snow theyโ€™d probably look pretty good.  We all knew it snowed a lot, but the looks seemed to be deceiving.  When Squaw finally opened, our hesitant feelings were promptly proven wrong.

Alex gettin the goods

There was quite a bit of snow, and coverage was pretty good.  Visibility however was not.  This kept thing grounded.  Today wasnโ€™t much of a day for sending as it was for skiing deep hippy pow turns.

Bevan spraying the camera man


from today
The forecast


Alex sending adrenaline chute
More Pow
Sun poking up while riding KT
No lift lines today
Like literally none
Fingers looking rocky.
Some dude is standing in the middle of box chute in this photo
Dude about to send out of box chute
Alex pitted
so smooth
Alex gettin the goods

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