Squaw Valley, CA Weekend Wrap Up & Video Update: Hot Laps and Hot Pow

Eric Bryant | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report

With a winter weather filled weekend, the skiing at Squaw has shaped up quite nicely.  Saturday brought blue skies in the morning followed by the milk man in the afternoon as well as the opening of the Funnel and the Reverse Traverse.  On Sunday we had hot pow in the morning as weather moved back in, shutting down the upper mountain first thing and shutting down the entire operation by 12:30 due to high winds.

The Good

  • Reverse Traverse with nearly everything open off Headwall (except for Sun Bowl)
  • The Funnel (watch out for rocks near the choke)
  • Cool Guy Rock (watch out for rocks in the landing)
  • Being able to finally ski the newly gladed trees between Red Dog and Squaw Creek (watch out for rocks)
  • Enchanted Forest (which seemed to have some of the deepest snow around)
  • The chance of KT & Headwall opening this week
  • 27โ€ณ of snowfall since Thursday

The Bad

  • Squaw plowed the Kangaroo Kicker ๐Ÿ™
  • Watch out for rocks
  • Tired legs

Squaw Weather

The snow is scheduled to continue into the night and taper off tomorrow, which should make for quite the ripping day.  Stay tuned, rumor has it there could be more snow on the way by the end of the week (we shall confirm this by looking out our window intermittently) .

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