1st Avalanche Fatality of the Season in USA Today in Colorado

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Image of todayโ€™s fatal avalanche. image: CAIC, 12/18/20

A skier was killed in an avalanche in Colorado today.

This was the first avalanche fatality in the USA this season.

Please be careful out there this weekend and please always check the forecast at Avalanche.org.

A solo skier (Skier 1) was buried and killed in an avalanche on the northeast end of the Anthracite Range, in an area locally referred to as Friendly Finish. On the ridge prior to descending, Skier 1 spoke with another group of two skiers (Skiers 2 and 3) about their respective descent plans.

Skiers 2 and 3 completed their descent and returned to their parked snowmobile, only to find Skier 1โ€™s snowmobile still parked without any sign of Skier 1. Skier 2 and 3 snowmobiled to a place where they could get a view of Skier 1โ€™s planned descent route and they saw a fresh avalanche. They skied up to the scene of the avalanche, and located Skier 1 with a transceiver search. They extricated Skier 1, but he tragically did not survive the event. Local volunteers and Crested Butte Search and Rescue facilitated the recovery and extrication.

Our sincere condolences to all the friends and family of the victim.

  • Colorado Avalanche Information Center, 12/18/20
Image of todayโ€™s fatal avalanche. image: CAIC, 12/18/20
Image of todayโ€™s fatal avalanche. image: CAIC, 12/18/20
Map of todayโ€™s fatal avalanche. image: CAIC, 12/18/20

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