4 Men Rescued From Mountain After Becoming Too Stoned to Walk

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3,206โ€ฒ Scafell Pike = the highest peak in England. image: wikipedia

โ€œWords fail usโ€ฆโ€ said the Cumbria police yesterday after 4 hikers in the English Lake District had to be rescued form a mountaintop when they became unable to walk after taking marijuana (cannabis) yesterday.

These 4 men were on 3,206โ€ฒ Scafell Pike in Lake District National Park when they became too stoned to walk and had to call the police for rescue.

Mountain rescue teams were called out to the scene at 6:30pm BST time on Saturday.

The 4 men were brought to safety at 9:45pm BST on Saturday.

Scafell Pike is the tallest peak in England.

โ€œTaking alcohol or any other substance that could impair your judgement significantly increases your risk of getting into trouble. It has no place on a mountain.โ€ โ€“ Supt Justin Bibby of Cumbria Police

image: twitter, yesterday
image: twitter, yesterday
Map showing location of Scafell Pike in England where the rescue occurred.

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