Alta Conditions Report: Surprise Storm With More to Come

Aaron Rice | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report
Storm clearing out, leaving some clouds over hi boy
Storm clearing out, leaving some clouds over hi boy

This past week has really felt like winter here in Alta. With a 14โ€ณ+ storm on Saturday and a low sun, we have been skiing great powder.

Line up on Sunday as the storm clears and the powder hounds come out
Line up on Sunday as the storm clears and the powder hounds come out

Last Saturday we were forecasted to receive 3-6 inches of snow. Well, with a bit of Alta magic, we ended up with 14 inches.

This storm was a Goldilocks storm. Not too little snow and not too much (that avalanche danger became a big deal), it was also not too heavy and not too light (that you were just bottom feeding), it was just rightโ€ฆ Riding conditions were phenomenal. With rope lines dropping on ballroom and lower Backside Sunday, and Supreme opening for the season, there was plenty of powder to be found.

Perfect Alta dendrite
Perfect Alta dendrite

The storm came in heavy, and bonded to the old snow then got lighter and lighter through the day. By sunday afternoon, it was snowing big fluffy dendrites!

Fun powder turns to be had during the storm
Fun powder turns to be had during the storm

Once the storm had past, there were lingering flurries for the next few days. Each night provided spectacular sunsets.

Welcome to Alta, where there's always a spectacular sunset (or it's snowing)
Welcome to Alta, where thereโ€™s always a great sunset (or itโ€™s snowing)


24 hour snowfall: trโ€
7 day snowfall: 14โ€ณ
base: 35โ€ณ
season snowfall: 82โ€ณ


It looks like a weak disturbance will roll through tomorrow dropping 1-2 inches. However Sunday into Monday looks like something bigger moving in. Hard to say numbers now, but we can hope we get to measure by the foot. As usual, a great weather resource is

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