Alyeska, AK Report: Final Bonus Weekend, Wiggles, and Pristine Weather!

Dominic Gawel | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report
The only trick for a closing day! Credit: Quinton Gonzalez

Report from Sunday, May 23

Brought to you by 10 Barrel Brewing

Alyeska Resort, Alaska – Sunday, May 23 marked the final day of lift-accessed skiing in Alaska for the 2021 ski season. Alyeska had one final bonus weekend, and the spring conditions were off the charts! I live for warm weather spring skiing, and it would be hard to ask for a more perfect day. It was made by temperatures in the 50s, corn, slush, moguls, natural jumps, wiggles, and views.

This marks the end of my resort season until the fall.ย With skiing from 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM, we skied bell to bell and had a blast. Not much terrain was open, although there was plenty of exploring to do for my first time skiing ally. Quinton and I took up Ted’s Express at the beginning of the day and then lapped the Glacier View Express the remainder of the day.

Looking up from the stunning Glacier View Express! The melting out wiggle on the right was a ton of fun. Credit: Dominic Gawel

Once on the upper mountain, I could barely contain the stoke. There were so many options to link side hits, moguls, a groomer, wiggles, cat tracks, and even a little park lap. Every lap we created a new line and found the best snow. I have never skied a mountain with so many side hits in such a small area. At the bottom of most laps, I went through the park to throw some fun closing day tricks – spread eagles, cossacks, and the occasional grab. I did not want to hurt myself prior to my summer job, so I kept it in check. The park had one dance pad and two jumps.

Quinton Gonzalez lacing up the last (resort) turns of the season. Credit: Dominic Gawel

The mountain provided plenty of creative terrain. Little ditches acted as natural half-pipes that led to side hits, moguls, and soft snow. Temperatures in the 50s with terrain and snow like that make just about a perfect day in my books.

Towards the end of the day, I took a little spill getting my ski tip caught in a very slushy mogul. Luckily I just folded over and laughed it off. We skied until the last chair knowing we would be back one day. We capped the day off with pizza at Chair 5 restaurant in Girdwood.

Snow Numbers:

Credit: Alyeska Resort

Weather Forecast:

Credit: NOAA

Alaska Snowpack:



One last butter of the season. Credit: Quinton Gonzalez
Skiing the wiggle! Credit: Dominic Gawel
Jaw-dropping views at this iconic destination! Credit: Dominic Gawel
Party laps! Credit: Dominic Gawel

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