This morning Apex Mountain Resort, BC operations decided to have a bit of fun and bury a dummy upside down in front of the Apex Quad webcam. The prank is complete with a double ejection and all!
Is there a better way to let skiers know it is deep out there? The dummy is right at the top of the chair so everyone on the chair and all of the webcam viewers can see that this dummy had a bad day. This is hilarious and it would be great to see pranks like this at more ski areas.
Apex Mountain Resort is located near Penticton in southern British Columbia with four lifts, 2,000+ vertical feet, 79 marked runs, and 40 unmarked runs. Apex has launched a campaign this season to support the community where locals never have to pay full price for lift tickets. With 9 in (23 cm) of new snow and a 59 in (149 cm) base conditions have been awesome and discounted tickets make it more affordable for locals to ski.