(check out 2:18 for a Chimney Sweep drop)
words and video by Josh A.
“Well, 2014 kinda blew sunshine up everyone’s ass in Tahoe this year, but April was a blast! Thanks for the sweet joke of a season, nature. But Kyle Cota and that animal Fox got like 18,000 hits for their video, so here’s me re-learning how to shred after I tried to rip my face off in the Banzai. Now go do a backflip for Timy Dutton, praise Jah for CR, make some soul turns for Benny, jump off something for Shane, achieve perfection for Arne…. And I apologize for the Chesty, my last helmet cam flew into oblivion at Crystal, and I’m borrowing a fullface for facial safety… sans camera mounts.” – Josh A.
And the award for worst camera angle goes to…..