B.C. is facing its Worst Wildfire Season in Nearly 60 Years

Jake Rubnitz | Post Tag for FireFire



Firefighters From New Zealand working in Canada this Summer (Photo: Fire and Emergency NZ)

This summer in British Colombia has served as a reminder that even after normal or even good winters fire danger always exists. Many are calling this summer the worst Wildfire Season for B.C. since 1958. Fire fighters from the U.S., New Zealand, and Mexico have all headed north to help the effort. B.C. Is currently under a provincial state of emergency, and all civilian vehicles are banned from off road driving. Although the summer is coming to a close wildfire season is not.

โ€œAugust is typically one of our busiest months, this current situation could get worse before it gets better.โ€โ€“ Kevin Skrepnek, Chief Fire Information Officer

Smoke in Kamloops B.C. earlier this week (Photo: Jon-Bethany kalf)

B.C. Wildfire Season By the Numbers

  • 4910 square Km burned across the province
  • In 1958, 8560 square Km were burned
  • Currently, 126 fires burning, there have been 861 sparked since April 1st
  • $204 Million CAD spent on firefighting this season
  • 3 weeks since the state of emergency was declared, it has been extended to August 18th
  • 80 firefighters from New Zealand on Duty throughout B.C.
  • 27 firefighters from Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Michigan also on duty throughout B.C.
  • The Kamloops air quality is rated at a 7/10, 10 is very high risk

Letโ€™s hope that all the firefighters stay safe out there and that conditions allow them to get the situation under control.

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