Big White, BC, Conditions Report: Itโ€™s Winter!

Nicky Blumm | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report
Big White brought out the surf sticks (Black Crows Nocta) for the first time this season. (PC: Nicky Blumm)

Report from Saturday, February 10, 2024

Big White in British Columbia reminded us what winter should feel like in February. Having never been before, we were utterly taken with Big Whiteโ€™s terrain, vibes, and snow. We rolled up to the mountain a bit later than planned and were treated to a nearly empty parking lot with immediate access to a great lift: the Black Forest Express.

Normally parking lots do not get pictured, but Big Whiteโ€™s Black Forest lot features a fabulous view south. (PC: Nicky Blumm)

Itโ€™s no secret that this snow season has been rough for British Columbia, but you could hardly tell at Big White. The resort has stayed cold and continued to accumulate dusting after dusting to achieve a soft base which was covered with plenty of fresh snow from earlier in the week.

The trees skied magnificently all over Big White (apologies for the finger). (PC: Nicky Blumm)

Despite being forecasted a sunny day, Big White brought clouds to keep us cool and flurries of snow all day. Unfortunately, that meant the photos we took were less than ideal, but the conditions rode beautifully. We checked out almost every chair on the hill and can confirm that the base was solid everywhere on the hill. Even the lower terrain was more covered than we saw at neighboring resorts.

Some sun over the middle of the resort around 1 PM. (PC: Nicky Blumm)

The Gem Lake Express (GLE) is an enthralling and impressive chair. The GLE runs 1.52 miles and rises 2,333 feet. What makes it even more special is that the whole ride is undulating terrain; it is steep enough to keep one in the flow but not so steep that one canโ€™t take a full run without a stop. We could not get enough of the GLEโ€” we got on one of the last chairs up at 3:30 PM.

The top of the GLE, one of our new favorite lifts ever. (PC: Nicky Blumm)

Today was a first for us: getting on a chair post-closing. We did not quite realize how far the GLE is from the Black Forest Lift, where we started. With some trepidation, we tried to traverse back to the main part of the resort from the GLE, but failed. Upon failing, we started hiking above the Powder Chair to crest the ridge that would allow us back to the Village Centre. As we hiked, we noticed a small crowd at the base of the closed Powder Chair. We knew the chair was closed, so we continued our uphill jaunt. Within minutes, a ski patroller rode up and told us we could hop on Powder Chair. They turned the chair back on for the lost souls who needed a way back to the Village Centre! What a testament to Big White kindness and consideration for guests.

We ended up taking a few final runs under the lights to make up for our late start. Then we headed back toward Revelstoke where we hope to spend the next two days in a storm.

Powder Chair, about to turn on after hoursโ€” huge thanks to the Big White lift ops and patrollers. (PC: Nicky Blumm)

Weather Forecast

In the next few days, Big White will continue to add to its ample base and should be in fine form when we return on Tuesday. (Big White Website)

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