Board Budder: 100% Plant Based Ski and Snowboard Wax

Gregg Frantz | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
Owner Erik Smith and Co-Founder Jordan McNair of Board Budder. Photo Credit: Erik Smith

We live in a world today where it does not matter what industry we are talking about, every business has to consider its environmental impact. This is great for the environment, wildlife, and the planet as a whole. The ski industry is particularly sensitive to climate change because it relies heavily on Mother Nature to provide that fresh powder each year that millions of skiers and riders love. Ski resorts throughout the United States and the world are trying to find more efficient ways and techniques to minimize its impact on the environment. Individual skiers or riders can also make an impact by selecting equipment, gear, or apparel that are manufactured by environmentally friendly companies.

Budder Board is one of those companies that is making a positive impact on the environment by producing ski and snowboard wax that is 100% plant-based. Owner Erik Smith and Co-founder Jordan McNair are the creators of this environmentally friendly ski and snowboard wax that will make skiers and riders think about their choice of wax while hitting the mountains. The ski and snowboard wax operates just like most other waxes in the industry and does not sacrifice any functionality when using it. It also does not require any additional or different equipment to apply Budder Board’s ski and snowboard wax.

Creating a 100% plant-based ski snowboard wax requires having the knowledge, expertise, and skills to make wax in the ski and snowboard industry that does what it says it is going to do. “It is crazy how much chemistry and physics that goes into making ski wax,” said Smith. He has a degree in biology with a biochemistry focus from the University of Utah which helped them create the wax, but he soon realized that if they were going to start their own business he would need additional education. Smith decided to enroll in the Master of Business Creation program at the University of Utah to assist him with this. The program is designed to assist students in creating a business plan and model for them to be successful. Smith said that it has made all the difference in giving him the business tools necessary to run his own company. 

In 2022, the idea to create an environmentally friendly ski and snowboard wax was hatched by Smith and McNair in Salt Lake City when Smith was waiting to be accepted to Dental School. The process took longer than he anticipated and while he waited for a response, he decided to go out and hit the mountains on his snowboard and do what he loved. While shredding mountains in Utah, Smith and McNair decided to come up with a 100% plant-based ski and snowboard wax. The whole process of trial and error took about eight months to complete before the final product was finished. However, Smith and McNair are not finished with growing and making the product better in the future. “One of our goals is to always have the process of testing, innovating, and making the product better,” said Smith. 

Their long-term goal is to be globally recognized and have Board Budder products on every shelf in every ski shop throughout the world. They are focused on making a product that is environmentally friendly and sustainable. They have collaborated with Ski Trucks which is a ski shop in Utah that exclusively uses only Board Budder ski and snowboard wax. Having a collaboration with a big partner is key to what Board Budder is all about because it can have a positive influence on the environment on a large scale. Ski Trucks offers ski and snowboard rentals throughout the season and uses Board Butter to wax them. Exclusively using Board Budder’s ski and snowboard wax will have a much larger impact on the environment rather than selling it to individual users. 

People may be reluctant at first to try a ski and snowboard wax that is environmentally friendly and plant-based. Smith and McNair understand this and wanted to create a ski and snowboard wax that is very similar to other waxes on the market. “There are no sacrifices when using a plant-based wax over other waxes,” said McNair “We wanted a product that focuses on usability, workability, and performance.” Board Budder wax performs in temperatures ranging from 10º-40ºF just like other ski waxes on the market.

Board Budder. Photo Credit: Erik Smith

Currently, Board Budder can be found at five ski shops throughout Utah, but Smith and McNair have plans to reach more consumers in the future. This season they purchased the Ikon Pass to visit resorts throughout the country to promote and demo Board Budder products. Sometimes to make it big you have to start small and they plan to go on a road trip hitting as many resorts as possible in hopes of getting the word out about their product. That is something that Phil Knight, the founder of Nike, would probably be very proud of. He did the same thing when he started the company when he sold Nike shoes out of the trunk of his car in 1971.

The ski industry and individuals who love to ski or ride are always focused on the environment and doing what they can to reduce climate change. Snowpack is an essential ingredient to everyone who loves hitting the mountains each season and everyone must do their part to ensure we do not lose that. If you are looking for a 100% plant-based ski and snowboard wax that is environmentally friendly without sacrificing any performance, then Board Budder wax is the one you need to have. 

For more information on Board Budder visit its website. 

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