CalTrans announced that work is set to begin shortly on Sonora & Ebbetts Pass, CA.
They hope to have the two passes opened up by the Friday before Memorial Day Weekend.
“After snow is removed, plugged drains need to be cleaned and downed signs need to be replaced,” stated District 10 spokesman Warren Alford. “Often, trees have fallen or are about to fall on the road and need to be removed. Vegetation is cleared so that sight distance is adequate for safe travel.”
The passes have been closed since November 28th, 2018.
Work is set to begin on Sonora Pass on Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019.
While work on Ebbetts Pass is set to begin on Monday, April 8th, 2019.
Prior to opening the passes are cleared of snow, all pavement cracks are filled, and new stripes are painted on the roads.
Once they’re opening, they give backcountry enthusiasts access to some great terrain.