Classic Squaw Valley Powder Day Today | Palisades Photo Tour:

Miles Clark |
The Dan getting air into Extra Chute.
The Dan getting air into Extra Chute.

Today was a classic powder day at Squaw Valley USA.  16โ€ณ of fresh snow graced Squawโ€™s desirable slopes.  The line up for the Funitel was large.  The rush into the Funitel building was chaotic.  The cramming into the actual Funitel was sardine-like.

Once freed from the heinous Funitel ride, things re-normalized.  The ride up Siberia revealed a Palisades that was prime and ready for ski bases.  The Reverse Traverse opened at 9am along with the Palisades, which was weird and something Iโ€™d never seen before.  There were certainly a few close calls as skiers came mobbing out of the Palisades and had to thread the needle between traversing Reverse Traversers.

Air of the Day.  Aaron Fox.  the Box.  Palisades.
Air of the Day. Aaron Fox. the Box. Palisades.

Patrol was letting people ski Headwall down the Mountain Run to the base, which was very cool considering Mountain Run has been closed for a couple weeks.

Cornice II.
Cornice II.

The Chimney was closed and the Palisades closed after two runs.  The Tube was great.  Aaron Fox, who hasnโ€™t skied the Chimney this season, hit the biggest air of the day just skierโ€™s left of The Tube.  Extra Chute was mellow and happy and frequented.  We did one Reverse Traverse and skied Hogsback to Siberia.  Hogsback was fun.

The Palisades.  Today.
The Palisades. Today.

By the time weโ€™d gotten to Granite it was pretty beaten up and had a long line.  Corkscrew  still held great fall-line skiing.  We did a few laps there before the line became overly abrasive.

Cornice II today
Cornice II today

We cruised back to Siberia and the line wasnโ€™t small because the Gold Coast chair was broken.  We did three more laps on Siberia before doing a Reverse Traverse to Cornice II to Mountain Run.  This was my favorite run of the day.  Deep, completely fresh snow and nowhere to go but down.

Tutu.  Granite Chief.  Today.
Tutu. Granite Chief. Today.

Once down, we stayed down.  It was 1pm and we were more than satisfied and tired of waiting in line.

Hogsback.  Today
Hogsback. Today

Tomorrow will be another great day. 



Dan dropping Extra Chute
Dan dropping Extra Chute

A bro dropping into Extra Chute.  Palisades.  SquawA bro dropping into Extra Chute. Palisades. Squaw

Reverse Traverse.
Reverse Traverse.
KT looking ok in the am
KT looking ok in the am
Cornice II
Cornice II
Lake Tahoe today.
Lake Tahoe today.
Funitel line at 9am
Funitel line at 9am
Aaron Fox.  Ramping.
Aaron Fox. Ramping.
Granite Chief Peak today.  not open
Granite Chief Peak today. not open
Tram face today
Tram face today
Hogsback today
Hogsback today
Bros!  Extra Chute.
Andrew in Extra Chute
Andrew in Extra Chute




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7 thoughts on โ€œClassic Squaw Valley Powder Day Today | Palisades Photo Tour:โ€

  1. lame that you guys canโ€™t be stoked on a powder day in April. Lame that you couldnโ€™t figure out how to get the goods even with reverse Traverse being closed. Lame that you have to complain about everything Squaw does, or doesnโ€™t do anymoreโ€ฆ

    1. Could it be anymore lame than you posting the same regurgitated pro KSL propaganda over and over?

  2. Lame that reverse traverse was closed because people were skiing the mountain run. I think it is time to change the tag line this mountain has soul to this mountain had soul. Alpine was silly to not have roundhouse. Line for summit was ridiculous.

    1. Amount of snow it would have taken to make Mt. Run manageable = not that much, in fact it was just fine as is. Management surprised by the fact that people want to ski powder. A fun morning soured by a really really poor decision to close Reverse Traverse. Squandered opportunity to close out on a high note. My appologies to patrol for being the bearers of bad news all afternoon.

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