Cold Snap Brings Early Snowfalls to Australian Alps

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Cold snap
Cold snap bringing snow to Shooters Hill near Oberon, NSW. | Picture: Blackheath Weather โ€” Blue Mountains NS, Australia Twitter Account

An early cold snap has delivered unexpected snowfalls to eastern Australia, with snow falling down to 800m in some regions, like the Blue Mountains which are just an hour from Sydney. The states of New South Wales (โ€˜NSWโ€™) and Victoria (โ€˜VICโ€™) saw a slow moving cold front sweeping across the south-east of Australia, bringing rain, hail, grauple and even snow, marking one of the coldest weekends in years.

Hotham Alpine Resort in Victoria received an early taste of winter. | Picture: Hotham Alpine Resort Facebook Page

Australiaโ€™s capital city Canberra recorded its coldest May day in 23 years as a cold front from the south swept icy air from Antarctica across the eastern states.

Snow just outside of Canberra. | Picture: ACT Weather Watch Twitter Account

Strong winds with gusts of up to 100kmh disrupted ferries and even flights in Sydney. While the wind will die down, the cold snap will stick around for the next few days.

Falls Creek
Idyllic winter scenes from Falls Creek, VIC, where 20cm of snow fell. | Picture: Falls Creek Facebook Page

The ski resorts in the Australian Alps saw decent snow falls, and the city of Cooma in the Snowy Monaro, an hour from the NSW ski fields, recorded its coldest May day on record with 2.7 degrees Celsius.

Early snowfalls made for beautiful winter walks in Hotham, VIC. | Picture: Hotham Alpine Resort Facebook Page

The Victorian side of the Alps also received decent snowfalls as ski resorts are getting ready for season opening in just five weeks. All Australian ski resorts in VIC and NSW are scheduled to open for the Kingโ€™s Long Weekend on June 10, 2023. Of course with early snowfalls and a forecast of below freezing temperatures for the next few days, everyone is hoping that an early season start could be in the making. We are keeping everything crossed and will keep you posted of any upcoming developments downunder.

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