Mt. Bachelor, OR Conditions Report: January 2nd โ€“ 5th

Bevan Waite | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report
Mt. Bachelor from the Pine Marten Lodge

It was one icy weekend at Mt. Bachelor, OR.  Conditions havenโ€™t changed much since my icy arrival last Wednesday despite the brief hope for a couple new inches Thursday night.  It DID snow however, but it was nothing more than a light dusting and was surely not enough to improve any of the off piste conditions.

Crazy thick blue ice

Friday was enjoyable, much like Thursday because the snow on the groomed runs was sugary, soft, and fast.  Friday was also much colder with a high around 26 degrees Fahrenheit.  This kept the snow from softening up in the afternoon and the groomers stayed fast all day long.

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Both Friday and Saturday had completely bluebird skies and it was a treat not to be socked into a whiteout like many of my visits to Bachelor have been.

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The off piste is literally unskiable.  The ice is thick, blue, glossy, and punishing.  No skiing is being done off the groomers except for these two lone riders who were spotted climbing the cinder cone right of Red Chair.

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Look at that sheet of ice.. ouch

All in all, It was a beautiful few days at Mt. Bachelor despite the lack of snow all over the west coast.  Pray for snow, we have faith that it will returnโ€ฆ hopefully in full force!





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