A Day in the Life of a Snow Starved Ski Bum

Jesse Cassidy |

With the snow conditions in Tahoe being sub-par at best, we took it upon ourselves the other day to have fun with it. With the holiday crowds out, and the upper mountain at Squaw shut down due to stinky conditions, we pulled out the ole jeans and Salomon Force 9’s to show everyone that even with the horrible conditions and snowpack, skiing is fun no matter what. There were a lot of dirty looks, a lot of smiles, and a whole bunch of people who were indifferent, and looked at us like we fit right in with em.

The moral of the story is, the conditions in Tahoe are less than desirable, and it doesn’t look like it’s gonna get a whole lot better anytime soon, so you might as well make the best of it, because lets face it, skiing is fun.

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6 thoughts on “A Day in the Life of a Snow Starved Ski Bum

  1. I just want to make a couple of things clear, yes Jesse works in Granite Chief’s back shop, yes he does own a helmet, fat skis, and is sponsored by Orage; so he does indeed have cool ski stuff and he is a good skier. Why does he feel the need to be the dorkiest okie dude on the mountain? Well, he’s from Alaska.

    1. Treas, you and Herb always have the most talented staff. We all need a little dork now and then …

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