EFO Tornado Touched Down In Northern California Late Tuesday

Chris Wallner | | Post Tag for WeatherWeather
EF0 Tornado. Image: Scoop Nest
EF0 Tornado. Image: Scoop Nest

According to the Sacramento, CA National Weather Service, an EF0 Tornado touched down 3/8 of a mile south of Sacramento late Tuesday. The tornado was part of a band of strong thunderstorms that moved through Northern California late Tuesday. It tore limbs from trees and ripped awnings from buildings.

Tornado Details. Image: NOAA Sacramento, CA Today
Tornado Details. Image: NOAA Sacramento, CA Today

The Twister was about 100 yards wide, it didn’t cause any injuries, and it only lasted for about 5 minutes.ย It caught forecasters by surprise as they were focused on the heavy snowfall and rain that has been in the area for most of the week. While the heavy snowfall and rain may be ending tonight, the risk of avalanches, flooding, and slides are just beginning.

“It came as a little bit of a surprise considered that we’re so focused on all the heavy snow and rain,” Nationalย Weather Service meteorologist David Rowe said, adding that the Sacramento area received about 2 inches of rain Tuesday.

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This video shows a large funnel cloud that was present off of Highway 16 yesterday. This powerful storm has brought a week of heavy snowfall, rain, winds, avalanches, mud slides, extreme flooding, and white out conditions. Highway 80 is still closed and a lot of roads in California are not in any condition to be traveled on. This Tornado adds to a crazy week in California, we are just thankful that no one was injured by this twister.

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One thought on “EFO Tornado Touched Down In Northern California Late Tuesday

  1. Thats Not a Tornado, thats a Scud Cloud, they form at the gust front of large thunderstorms when the cold front in the storm get sucked into the warm air away from the storm.

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