It’s Septembrrr… Beware

Miles Clark |
September, photo: zach paley
Miles Clark in deep in Japan.  Credit: Zach Paley

It’s September…  It’s September, and whether you know it or not, your mind has been seasonally shifted. September is the first of a series of months that end in “-ber” that lead to you saying “brrr.”

The equinox is less than 21 days from today. From then on, the night is longer than the day, cold stronger than warm, and storm will prevail over calm.

Ski and snowboard movie trailers are dropping left and right, and movie premiers loom closely behind them.

photo:, September,
Credit: SnowBrains

September. It’s when it all begins. The frenzy won’t come to fruition just yet, but its rumblings are deeply felt across the Northern Hemisphere. The rolling frequency will soon reach resonance and cause hectic and bizarre thought processes in snow humans everywhere.

An awakening is about to occur—an awakening of mind and body, of spirit and element. Tightened, sun-soaked skin will yearn for goosebumps and goggle tans. Barren, lonely mountainsides await profound layers of frozen dihydrogen monoxide and frantic homo sapiens.

photo:, September,
Eric Bryant on the charge in Las Lenas, Argentina.  Credit: SnowBrains

Your subconscious already knows how your brain will react to the coming cold and snow.  Once in and around it, you’ll act utterly ridiculous. You’ll scream without provocation within it. You’ll suffer through horrific winds and terrible cold to stay near it. You’ll wear strange clothing to impress it. You’ll spend copious amounts of money to befriend it.  Some will even forgo food and mating to ensure its acquisition.

There’s no proven cure for this formidable mind-warp outside of the hideous decrepitude found in extreme old age. Even then, some find themselves longing for one more huge douse of snow-to-the-face.

So Beware.  It’s September… It’s September, and the tide is changing. Your mind has been seasonally shifted—and it knows what comes next. Beware.

boyne, Brighton, utah
Miles Clark getting DEEP at Brighton, UT. Credit: Court Leve

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24 thoughts on “It’s Septembrrr… Beware

  1. I just felt the chill of the White Wind – yippee!

    Not sure if I’ll forgo mating in its’ stead, but pretty much all else.


  2. Ahhh Sweet September the month where my Seasonal Affective Disorder begins to wane soon it will not to bother me for several months as the mountains return to their white cloaked beauty

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