Jack Kuenzle Sets Fastest Known Time Skiing Round-Trip from Chamonix to Mont Blanc, FR

Brent Thomas | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
chamonix mont blanc
Jack Kuenzle on the route. Credit: @jackkuenzle

Jack Kuenzle is a prominent figure in the world of mountain running and endurance sports and is known for his record-breaking performances in various challenges. He has garnered attention for his remarkable speed and endurance in highly demanding terrains, often setting new records in events that test both physical and mental limits.

On Wednesday, June 5, Kuenzle set another impressive Fastest Known Time (FKT) when he went round trip on Mont Blanc from Chamonix, France in 4:59:50 on skis. The previous FKT was set in 2013 by Matheo Jacquemoud in a time of 5:05:00. The time was two minutes slower than the overall FKT set by Kilian Jornet, who previously did the route running in 4:57:34.

In an Instagram post, Kuenzle announced the feat and thanked those who helped make it happen, saying that it wouldn’t have been possible without their support.ย 

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