Japan Report: Pillows + Pillows

Miles Clark | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report

January in Japan this year was special. ย We got snow, we got sun, we got pillows. ย The most interesting features here are spines that have pillows. ย We’ve coined them pillowspines. ย Every sunny day initiates a search for more pillowspines. ย Every snowy day is a search for pillows in the trees. ย Powder is the norm, pillows are the highlights.

ski powder japan
skier: miles clark. photo: zach paley

February has begun with rain, cold temps, and brutally hard snow for us in Japan. ย Its going to take a lot of snow to fix things. ย Luckily, a lot of snow will inevitably come. ย After all, this is Japan.

japan japow
skier: miles clark. photo: zach paley

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