Look Out For Bears While Traveling Through Yosemite National Park, CA

Julia Schneemann | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
Hot spots of bear collisions with cars in the Yosemite area. | Picture: Keep Bears Wild Website

Now with Tioga Road open again through Yosemite National Park, CA, it is important to remind visitors to drive mindfully and stick to speed limits to protect local wildlife. Each year, Yosemite National Park welcomes over four million visitors. Unfortunately the high number of visitors also means a high number of cars and with the high number of cars come collisions with local wildlife. 

Over 400 vehicle-bear collisions have occurred along roadways in Yosemite National Park since 1995.

Bear Car Collisions from 1995 โ€“ 2022. | Picture: Keep Bears Wild Website

The โ€˜Red Bear Dead Bearโ€™ initiative, which began in 2007, aims to raise visitor awareness of the high frequency of vehicle-bear collisions, to encourage visitors to be aware of bears and wildlife along roadsides, and to remind visitors to slow down and obey posted speed limits. The attention-grabbing signs are placed throughout the park where collisions have occurred. Sadly dozens of black bears are struck by vehicles each year.

Vehicle-bear collisions are now one of the leading causes of black bear mortality in Yosemite.

A momma bear with her deceased bear cub, which got hit by a car and had been moved away from the road by park staff. | Picture: Yosemite National Park Facebook

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