Mad River Glen, VT Is CLOSED For The 2017-18 Season

Chris Wallner | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
Mad River Glen, VT. Image: Jeb Wallace-Brodeur / Mad River Glen

Mad River Glen, VT just announced that they will not re-open for their final bonus weekend after skiing. All in all, it was a great season for the resort. This season they skied 105 days and received 181″ of snowfall.

Mad River Glen Press Release:

After much adieu we reluctantly announce that Mad River Glen will not be re-opening for one last bonus weekend of skiing. We held out as long as we could but the weather report just looks flat out lousy. So after 105 days of skiing we’re going to call it a year. This season was a pretty darn good one all-in-all. It offered periods of tremendous skiing conditions and a ton of… well, variability. A great albeit chilly start to the season gave way to meltdowns and a dearth of snow that lasted the better part of January and February. Our collective patience was rewarded with a one-two storm punch in early March that provided us an amazing March and winter-like April. It’s frustrating to close with snow on the hill but it’s the prudent thing to do for the mountain’s long-term sustainability. We’d like to thank our loyal skiers for choosing to ski with us this season. The ski world is a very competitive place and you have many great options to choose from. We are humbled to know how many of you appreciate Mad River Glen’s special experience and choose to spend your winters with us. On behalf of the staff and the skier-owners of the Mad River Glen Cooperative we thank you.

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