Mt. Bachelor Conditions Report | A Bit Hard, A Bit Fun

Bevan Waite | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report
Great views on Saturday.
Great views on Saturday.

This last weekend started with high hopes of making some creamy spring turns from the top of Mt. Bachelor.  From a distance, the mountain looked ready for prime shredding, yet little did we know that the looks we got from the car were completely, utterly deceiving.

Icy top
Icy top

Our first run might have been one of the most disappointing Iโ€™ve had in a while; it was an ice rink.  I might have been better off with speed skates than skis.  The temp at the base approached 40 degrees in the morning, and we all fueled each other with false hopes that it would soften up throughout the day.  It did not.

Literally and ice rink.

As much as ice days like this one suck, it was still a successful and fun day.  The groomers were sugary at first, but were soon shaved off leaving patches of glare ice that could strike at any moment.  It was so hard to set a consistent edge it became a game of high stakes skiing.  The runs were wrist breaking-ly hard which had an all too unfortunate ending for one of our friends on the trip.

Speed skating.. er, I mean *skiing
Speed skating.. er, I mean *skiing

We eventually learned that the most fun to be had was down the terrain parks, which turned out to be quite an unoriginal idea.  The medium terrain park was packed.  Luckily, the slightly larger jumps seemed to be avoided by most.

Going for the penguin slide finish.
Going for the penguin slide finish.
working that box.
Working that box.

The conditions Sunday were a polar opposite from Saturday โ€” though equally crummy.  It rained, snowed, and sleeted all day long and was potentially the wettest experience Iโ€™ve ever had skiing.  We were all soaked to the bone by lunch.  Luckily it was Super bowl Sunday and we were able to escape the elements to root the Seahawks on to an almost win.

Steezy tail grab.
Steezy tail grab.
Wetter than wet.
I overshot this one.. sheesh

The message to take away here is that you canโ€™t choose the conditions that get thrown your way.  Sometimes you have to take what you get and make the best of it.  After all, any day spent on skis is better than a day not.  Iโ€™ve been in this situation at Bachelor all too many times; it makes you appreciate the good days that much more.




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One thought on โ€œMt. Bachelor Conditions Report | A Bit Hard, A Bit Funโ€

  1. I was there both days as well. Saturday was actually pretty good (compared to previous weekends of this dry spell!) and NWX was skiable โ€“ at least Snapshot/Atkinsons and Chadalak. Sunday on NWX was actually damn good, with an inch or so of new โ€“ I even ventured down Devilโ€™s Backbone. When it turned to rain however everything went to hell.

    It is snowing again now, letโ€™s hope it is a February just like last year!

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