by Marc-Antoine Brissette
The weather network predicted it… Weather underground predicted it… The Sainte-Adรจle hairdresser predicted it… But most importantly, the farmer’s Almanac predicted the first snow storm between november 20th and november 24th 2016.
After all those warnings, you still went to work this morning instead of joinig me and my friends (Johnny, Patrick, Alain, Dave, Jรฉrรดme and crew) at 7h00 a.m. at Mont Sutton, Quรฉbec. While I haven’t ski since the last storm on october 23th, Johnny managed to ski every single day between october 23th to november 10th.
Finally I was back on my plank this morning for tons of fun. Conditions wise, we had a fresh dry 8 inches of snow at the base and maybe double the amount on the top of the mountain. No ice, no crust, powder only. The mountain was crowded today. Event the TV news showed up during the day! Backcountry skiing is “ร la mode”.