NOAA February 2025 Outlook: Colder With More Precipitation Than Normal for PNW and Northern Rockies

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February 2025 temperature outlook | Image: NOAA

The NOAA just released its outlook for February 2025.ย It’s looking good for northern regions, and also the northeast.

tl;dr:ย La Niรฑa conditions are expected to influence February 2025 weather patterns across the United States. The forecast predicts above-normal temperatures for much of the southern and eastern U.S., while the northern regions may experience below-normal temperatures. Precipitation is likely to be above-normal in the Pacific Northwest, Northern Rockies, and much of the northern and central U.S., with below-normal precipitation expected in the Southwest, southern Plains, and Southeast.

A summary is below, and the full discussion at the bottom.

La Niรฑa’s Influence on February 2025 Weather

A weak La Niรฑa has finally emerged, shaping the weather patterns for February 2025. This climate phenomenon, characterized by cooler-than-average sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific, is expected to persist through the Feb-Mar-Apr season with a 59% probability.

Temperature Outlook

Skiers and snowboarders should take note of the temperature predictions for February 2025. The forecast suggests above-normal temperatures for the Southwest, southern Plains, and much of the eastern United States. However, snow enthusiasts might find better conditions in the Pacific Northwest, Montana, Northern and Central Plains, and the Upper Mississippi Valley, where below-normal temperatures are more likely.

Precipitation Forecast

The precipitation outlook brings good news for many ski resorts in the northern regions. Above-normal precipitation is expected from the Pacific Northwest across the Northern Rockies to the northern High Plains. This could translate to significant snowfall for mountain resorts in these areas. The Mississippi Valley, Great Lakes region, and parts of the Northeast are also likely to see above-normal precipitation.

Dry Conditions in the South

Southern ski destinations may face challenges this February. Below-normal precipitation is predicted for much of the southern United States, including southern California, the Four Corners region, Texas, and parts of the Southeast. This could mean less-than-ideal snow conditions for resorts in these areas.

Implications for Skiers and Snowboarders

Based on this forecast, the northern ski resorts are likely to offer the best conditions in February 2025. Areas like the Pacific Northwest, Northern Rockies, and northern New England could see ample snowfall. However, southern resorts may struggle with warmer temperatures and less precipitation, potentially leading to less favorable skiing and snowboarding conditions.

February 2025 precipitation outlook | Image: NOAA
The long-awaited transition from a neutral El Niรฑo Southern Oscillation (ENSO) 
to a weak La Niรฑa finally occurred during December 2024, with the latest weekly 
value of the Oceanic Niรฑo Index (ONI) of -0.7C for the Niรฑo 3.4 region. 
Below-average sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) now dominate the central and 
east-central Pacific with significant subsurface cooling to a depth of 100-200 
meters. Broad expanses of enhanced (suppressed) tropical convection are noted 
over the vicinity of Indonesia (Date Line), with persistently enhanced 
low-level trade winds over the western and central near-equatorial Pacific. La 
Niรฑa conditions are expected to persist through the Feb-Mar-Apr (FMA) 2025 
season with odds of 59 percent, followed by a nearly equally likely transition 
to ENSO-neutral starting in Mar-Apr-May (MAM) 2025. 
In addition to La Niรฑa being the expected primary driver of the atmospheric 
circulation pattern in February, there is significant forcing associated with 
the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and the Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO). The AO 
index has been negative during the past two weeks, which has likely contributed 
to the current cold snap across the central and eastern contiguous U.S. 
(CONUS). The AO index is forecast to transition toward its positive phase in 
the next 2 weeks, which may signify at least a brief reprieve from the 
persistent influence of Arctic air masses over this portion of the country. In 
the tropics, the convectively enhanced phase of the MJO is currently in the 
Western Hemisphere, near the interface of Realtime Multivariate MJO (RMM) 
Phases 8 and 1. During the past 10-14 days, there has been a very significant 
increase in amplitude of the MJO signal, though there has been little eastward 
propagation. Most RMM-based MJO Index forecasts predict a high-amplitude MJO 
accelerating to phase speeds more consistent of a convectively-coupled Kelvin 
Wave, as the signal traverses the remainder of the Western Hemisphere, Africa, 
the Indian Ocean, and reaches the Maritime Continent during the next two-week 
period. Historically, an MJO signal propagating eastward across the Indian 
Ocean and Maritime Continent favors a warm response downstream over the central 
and eastern CONUS towards the end of January, but this is contradicted by most 
dynamical model guidance which favors the continuation of below normal 
temperatures across this region. 
Other considerations for the February outlooks include coastal SSTs, sea and 
lake ice, and snow cover. At the present time, near to primarily above normal 
SSTs prevail near the West Coast of the CONUS, the western and central Gulf 
Coast, and near the southwest coast of Alaska. Below normal SSTs are observed 
near the coast of the Northeast CONUS. Most of the Alaska coast as far south as 
Kuskokwim Bay (Southwest Alaska) is dominated by sea ice. Over the Lower 48 
states, the Great Lakes remain mostly ice-free as of mid-January, with 
relatively shallow Lake Erie being the most likely to freeze over during the 
next few weeks. Current snow cover is widespread across the northern and 
central CONUS, with associated radiational cooling helping to keep surface 
temperatures lower over this area. 
The monthly Temperature and Precipitation Outlooks for February are based on 
historical La Niรฑa composites and regressions and the secondary forcings  
described above, as well as on dynamical and statistical model support. 
Dynamical support is derived from dynamical model suites including the North 
American Multi-Model Ensemble (NMME), Copernicus Climate Suite (C3S), and from 
the Climate Forecast System version 2 (CFSv2) dynamical model. Statistical 
support comes largely from a combined ENSO-OCN tool, and to a lesser degree the 
Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA). CPCโ€™s official outlooks for Weeks 3-4, 
and monthly and submonthly temperature and precipitation guidance from the 
Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS), CFSv2, and European Centre for 
Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) models are also used in the preparation 
of the February Outlooks, though it is important to note that these forecasts 
only cover the first half of February. 
The February 2025 Temperature Outlook features elevated odds of above normal 
temperatures over the vicinity of the Four Corners states/Southwest, southern 
Plains, Lower Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys, the Southeast, Upper Ohio 
Valley, most of the Appalachians, Mid-Atlantic, and Northeast. Probabilities of 
above normal temperatures reach 50 to 60 percent over parts of the southern 
Rockies. This broad pattern is characteristic of part of the typical cold 
season La Niรฑa signature, and is supported by available models and tools such 
as the dynamical consolidation (NMME CON), NMME Probability Anomaly Correlated 
(PAC) calibrated forecasts, C3S, and recent runs of the CFSv2. Below normal 
temperature chances are enhanced from the Pacific Northwest eastward across 
much of Montana, the Northern and Central Plains, and the Upper Mississippi 
Valley. This is supported by the statistical consolidation (Stat CON), recent 
runs of the CFSv2, the ENSO-OCN tool which combines influences of ENSO and 
trends, and the ECMWF and Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD, German model) which are 
constituents of the Copernicus model Suite (C3S). Other constituents such as 
the United Kingdom Met Office (UKMO) and Meteo-France models appear to be too 
warm overall. This broad area of favored anomalous cold is also very typical of 
classic wintertime La Niรฑa events. In Alaska, many tools support some variation 
on the classic La Niรฑa theme which is characterized by increased chances for 
below normal mean temperatures across southcentral and southeast Alaska, and 
increased chances for above normal mean temperatures confined to northwest 
portions of the Mainland. 
The February 2025 Precipitation Outlook features elevated odds for above normal 
precipitation from the Pacific Northwest eastward across the Northern 
Intermountain region and Northern Rockies to the northern High Plains. This is 
generally associated with the Pacific jet stream as it traverses much of the 
northern CONUS. One of the few dissenting opinions comes from the Stat CON 
(specifically the CCA input) which favors below normal precipitation across the 
Pacific Northwest and was discounted for this particular forecast. Above normal 
precipitation chances are also increased for much of the Mississippi Valley, 
Tennessee and Ohio Valleys, Great Lakes region, central and northern 
Appalachians, and interior portions of the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast. 
Probabilities of above normal precipitation reach 50 to 60 percent percent from 
the central Great Lakes region southwestward towards the Missouri Bootheel. 
This second region of favored anomalous storminess is associated with a typical 
meandering of the jetstream across this region and the resulting mean storm 
track, and is consistent with many of the precipitation tools. Approximately 
half of the available tools forecast above normal precipitation reaching the 
Northeast and Mid-Atlantic coasts, and while this is certainly reasonable with 
individual cyclonic systems, the La Niรฑa storm track on average tends to be 
shifted farther inland. There are enhanced odds of below normal precipitation 
from far southern California generally eastward across much of the Four Corners 
region, the central and southern High Plains, much of Texas, far southern 
Mississippi Valley, and a large portion of the Southeast as far north as the 
Tidewater area of southeastern Virginia. Probabilities reach 50 to 60 percent 
over the vicinity of the Rio Grande Valley, and also most of Florida, 
southeastern Georgia, and nearby parts of South Carolina. This broad region of 
favored drier than normal conditions is consistent with the typical La Niรฑa 
footprint, and is well supported by many tools, such as the Stat and NMME CONs 
and the CFSv2 to name a few. Over Alaska, above normal precipitation chances 
are elevated over most of the Mainland north of the Alaska Range, with a sliver 
of slightly enhanced below normal precipitation chances over parts of 
southcentral and southeastern Mainland Alaska. These predicted anomalies are 
generally consistent with mean surface high pressure and mid-level ridging over 
the Gulf of Alaska during La Niรฑa events.

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