NOAA Nov-Dec-Jan Outlook: Above-Normal Temperatures and Below-Normal Precipitation Expected for Most of USA

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3-month temperature outlook. Credit: NOAA

The three-month outlook for November, December, and January (NDJ), courtesy of the NOAA:

La Nina conditions are present across the equatorial Pacific Ocean, asย represented in current oceanic and atmospheric observations. La Nina conditions are likely to continue through the Northern Hemisphere winter and into Spring 2021.

The November-December-January (NDJ) 2020-2021 temperature outlook favors above-normal seasonal mean temperatures for a majority of the CONUS and for northern and western parts of Alaska. The greatest probabilities (larger than 60 percent) are forecast for parts of the Southwest. Below-normal temperatures are most likely for areas of southeast Alaska, the Alaska Panhandle, and parts of the far Pacific Northwest.

The NDJ 2020-2021 precipitation outlook depicts enhanced odds for above-normal seasonal total precipitation amounts for Alaska and parts of the Pacific Northwest, the northern Rockies, and northern Great Plains. Below-normal precipitation is most likely for much of California (slight tilt in the odds), stretching eastward to include the Southwest, south-central Great Plains, lower Mississippi Valley, and Southeast.

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3-month precipitation outlook. Credit: NOAA

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