Report from March 11, 2023
Brought to you byย Palisades Tahoe
Yesterday, Palisades Tahoe, CA was closed due to severe weather – namely strong wind (up to 177mph on the ridges) and driving rain.
Today, Palisades opened the lower mountain and it was funky out there.
The rain had changed to snow but not enough of it had fallen to cover up the ice beneath.
Here in Olympic Valley, we found 4″ of absolute slop on our car.
Goopy, gunky, sticky, sloppy, nasty, as-heavy-as-possible snow…
We did one run on Red Dog and it was pretty tough…
Icy, scratchy, hooky, wet, weird, and then sticky towards the bottom.
We also couldn’t see anything because tho it was technically snowing, it was a wet sleet that stuck to your goggles forcing you to wipe them off every 3 turns.
KT-22 did open but the reports we got back from those who were there was that small, wet avalanches were being triggered all over and the skiing was also weird over there.
It was fun to get out and slide around after a day of no skiing, but we decided to save our energy for tomorrow.
It is still currently snowing at Palisades Tahoe (4:44pm PT) and the forecast is for it to snow 7-11″ tonight then 8-12″ tomorrow during the day.
Fingers crossed that it gets a bit colder tonight.
Could be a fun, wet, wild week of snow and fun!