Report: CA Delta → Bear Valley → Road Closed → Delta → Mt. Lassen → Reno → Tahoe in 1-Day…

Miles Clark | | Post Tag for Conditions ReportConditions Report

Skiing a Burn Near Lassen National Park, CA on Dec 27, 2021

Report from December 27, 2021

Yesterday was one of the craziest days of my skiing career…

Up at 4am and up Hwy 4 to Bear Valley Ski Resort for a ski since roads to Tahoe were closed (I came down for Xmas and got stuck).

Hwy 4 closed right in front of me and Bear Valley wasn’t able to open for the day like many CA resorts. Back down to the Delta.

Early morning on Hwy 4. image: snowbrains

Then while writing an article about how all the roads are closed to Tahoe I noticed that two of the far north roads had opened.

I dropped everything and hit the road knowing it would be an 8+ hour drive.

So many downed trees on hwy 4. image: snowbrains

The road was gorgeous and sunny and green in the valleys then snowy and gray in the mountains then dark and ominous in the deserts.

I stopped for a ski near Mount Lassen National Park in a burned-out zone that was gorgeous and that made my day.

Map of my 13-hour mission yesterday…

I got to Tahoe late and was shocked at how big the cornices were on the bus stops.

Lake Tahoe just saw its snowiest December on record and it’s not over yet…

Photos in Chronological Order

Over 12 trees down over the road on hwy 4. image: snowbrains
Wet in the foothills coming down from Bear Valley and headed to the Delta. image: snowbrains
The foothills are gorgeous and were flooding in spots. image: snowbrains
Gorgeous hills in Vacaville, CA. image: snowbrains
The coast range. image: snowbrains
NorCal green. image: snowbrains
NorCal green. image: snowbrains
Volcanic NorCal. image: snowbrains
Back in the mountains near Mt. Lassen. image: snowbrains
Burned out trees. image: snowbrains
Burn. image: snowbrains
Texture. image: snowbrains
Texture. image: snowbrains
Rime. image: snowbrains
Black and white lines. image: snowbrains
Susanville, CA. image: snowbrains
Reno, NV. image: snowbrains
Tahoe, NV. image: snowbrains
Incline Village, NV. image: snowbrains
Crystal Bay, NV. image: snowbrains


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