Snowboarder Rescued Out-Of-Bounds Near Sugar Bowl Resort, CA

Alfred Arnaud | | Post Tag for Industry NewsIndustry News
CHP H-24 | Image: Vertical Magazine

On April 6, the Placer County Sheriffโ€™s Office requested the assistance of a search and rescue helicopter, type H-24, operated by the California Highway Patrol (โ€˜CHPโ€™), in the search and rescue of a snowboarder who had been stranded overnight near Sugar Bowl Ski Resort, California. Thanks to the diligent efforts of the search team and the capabilities of the H-24, the snowboarder was located after they followed his tracks, which were luckily still visible in the snow. The individual was found and transported to the resortโ€™s landing zone, where he was promptly evaluated by the on-site medical professionals.

Snowboarded Rescue Near Sugarbowl Resort, CA | Image: CHP Valley Div Air Ops Rescue Instagram

The overnight temperatures Friday night into Saturday morning were just above freezing, which put him at risk of hypothermia. Signs of hypothermia include uncontrollable shivering, slurred speech, clumsy movements, fatigue, and confusion. Despite these symptoms, the patient opted to refuse admission to the hospital. This situation serves as a reminder for all skiers and snowboarders to only enter the backcountry with the proper gear and training and to notify others of your intended route before setting out. 

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