VIDEO: Snowboarder Triggers Avalanche Which Carries Him Over 300-Feet Downhill

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Avalanche Drags Snowboarder Down Hill

The breathtaking moment an avalanche broke loose and dragged a snowboarder 100 meters down a hill has been caught on camera (skip to 38secs) and shared on YouTube by Caters Clips.

Snowpark owners Felix Ehmann and Mario Grinschgl were snowboarding off-piste in Sankt Gertraud, Kรคrnten, Austria, on Sunday [January 20], and filming some of their favorite tricks when Mario fell on his bottom after a brave jump.

But their disappointment over the failed trick soon gave way to fear as Marioโ€™s collision with the snow triggered a small avalanche. Felix could only look over in amazement as a long crack opened in the powder snow and his friend was carried away towards the distant trees.

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